Thursday, December 07, 2006

You Know You Spend Too Much Time On The Computer When...

...for once you find yourself writing out a whole page of handwritten notes and (a) your hand hurts by the time you've finished and (b) you're not sure how to spell 'contingent' so you write it out and then wait a few seconds to see if the spellchecker picks it up.


Anonymous said...

Wow, man. B is a doozy. I'm a victim of A everytime it comes up, but B...

Joel said...

wellll... i either use the command "dict contingent" (in linux) or I google the word when I can't remember how to spell it.

Sometimes I "dict" words purely because I don't know the exact precise meaning and decide I'd like to know.

My hands constantly hurt, but I hear carpal tunnel syndrome gives you good ACC payments (not really, but I hope it does).

Jon said...

At high school I used to be able to write pages without any discomfort. It's kind of weird to think how infrequently I actually write something down by hand nowadays.