Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Wildebeest Asylum Brings You this Important Political Message

So the bill to raise the drinking age has passed it's first reading by a margin of 2:1. Some people are confident it won't get much further, but the large number of both Labour and National MPs voting for it makes me think otherwise. After all, it's something that will appeal to both the moral conservatives and the nanny staters alike. (Interesting to see that both ACT and the Greens voted mostly against though.)

In their haste to pander to the shrieking moralisers on both sides of the political spectrum, parliament has neglected the needs of one minority, the single male in their mid-20s. To us, removing all the 18 year old girls from bars would truly be a cruel and heartless act, comparable to beating orphans with a wicker stick, or stealing Christmas. I hope our MPs bear this in mind as they make their decisions in the weeks to come.

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