Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Election Special #2: Why I Hate the Left Wing

Today we continue our look at the upcoming election, this time I'll try and see if there's any reason the idiots currently in power (or their would be cronies) should get my vote.


So I voted for these guys last time but about a year ago I decided there was no way they would ever be getting my vote this time, on the basis that during their last two campaigns they promised to help out tertiary students, and proceeded to do precisely sweet fuck all on that front. I don't consider the student loans bribes, either this years version or last times 'no interest while you're studying' deal, 'help' because what they really should be doing is making sure fees are reduced to reduce the amount of loans in the first place.

Since I made this decision things have only gotten worse for Labour. Between George Hawkins, David Benson-Pope, John Tamihere and the PM, they've basically managed to the party as a whole look like a bunch of spineless idiots, yet still I find myself thinking that maybe I should give them my vote. You see, with the exception of the police force stuff, all these scandals have reflected poorly on the MPs character, but not on their ability to govern and when I think about it, I'm not entirely dissatisfied with what they've been doing over the last six years. Sure there's a few things that piss me off, like the smoking in bars ban, but they're pretty minor things compared to the things I'm happy about, such as the Civil Union Bill. They even seem to have the economy on track. History shows us that just because someone's a wanker doesn't mean they're not a good leader.

I don't have a loan, so their big bribe doesn't affect me personally, but on the other hand I know a lot of people who would benefit from it. So they're my kind of default choice, a more sensible alternative than the Libertarianz, but I'd still feel a little dirty after voting for them.


Whenever I read an interview with one of these guys I find myself nodding along in agreement, until about three quarters of the way through, when they inevitably go off the rails, usually because they want to have George Bush charged with war crimes or something similarly wild eyed. Of course a vote for the Alliance is pretty much a vote into the void in any case, because they have no chance in hell of getting in. I'd feel better about voting for them than for Labour, but at the expensive of inviting a greater nutjob factor into government. I'm especially uncomfortable with their anti-GE stance.

Democrats for Social Credit

They want to spend more on defence, possibly the only left wing party to do so. They are fairly socialist, promising to put lots of money into pretty much everything, but I don't have a problem with that. On the other hand they seem to share a bit of the Alliance/Greens GE-phobia and UN fetish. Overall though, they seem pretty sensible. Probably a better option for me than the Alliance.


Well at least they're not the pedophile party, but in all other aspects they may as well be Christian Heritage. Lets just all cross our fingers and hope that whoever ends up in the government next week, these guys aren't a part of it.

Direct Democracy

5 facts about the Direct Democracy party:

  1. They're nuts! - Their number one policy is based around the upcoming peak oil crisis.

  2. They're affiliated with neo-nazis – Kyle Chapman, former leader of the National Front is number 10 on their party list.

  3. They're nuts! - They believe New Zealand is in danger of being owned by evil multinational corporations.

  4. They want referenda for everything, Switzerland styles.

  5. They're nuts! - No really, they make the Alliance and the Libertarianz look totally normal.


Jim Anderton is my nemesis. His bill to reduce the drinking age is about the only policy suggested at this election that will actually directly effect me. I've mentioned this before, but on top of that I have a very strong dislike of 'Drugs-Are-Bad' nanny state behaviour. No chance Jimbo.


Don't actually have a lot to offer me, believe it or not. At any rate any socially conservative party is pretty much out of the question right from the start as far as I'm concerned anyway.


I'm right with the Greens on about half of their policies, but the other half turn me off immensely. First of all I find their anti-science hysteria with regards to GE and nuclear power quite alarming, and secondly I think that while their social views (Gender Identity Bill) are commendable, I don't think the government should be legislating morality, even when it's morality I agree with. I'd rather vote for the Alliance, their nutcase factor seems to be significantly lower.

So, common sense suggests I should vote Labour, but I have a strong disinclination towards voting for one of the two major parties at the moment. I don't have time to explain why in this post, but I suspect that issue and a few other things are coalescing into a major rant, which will likely explode onto this blog late this week.

As much as it would have amused me to vote for the Libertarianz, I think it's actually in my interests to at least vote for a party that will form a coalition with Labour, unfortunately, all of the available options fuck me off at least a little bit. But hey, there are still a few more options that I haven't mentioned yet... stay tuned for tomorrows edition.

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