Friday, January 14, 2005

Friday Drunken Link Blogging

The Corpuscle is a very literate erudite blog. It has impressed me with the quality of it's writing, and has hence been added to the blog roll. Behold the Miscellaneous Blogs category, as it begins to swell and grow like some unholy cancer!

Real Climate, a blog about the science behind global warming, and why dumbasses like Michael Crichton don't know what they're talking about.

Perry Bible Fellowship. Another funny webcomic.

Chomsky and Zinn deconstruct The Fellowship of the Ring.

Chomsky: [...] Now, again, surely, among these Moria Orcs were some Orc radicals — aggressive, angry, militant radicals. We shouldn't understate that.

Zinn: Well, look how the Orcs grow up. What do you expect?

Chomsky: I mean, what other options have they?

Zinn: I dare say that, were I an Orc, I might possibly be one of those terrorist Orcs, shooting arrows at the Fellowship myself.

Chomsky: Here comes the Balrog. Notice Gandalf's unilateral action. "Quick, get away, I have to fight this thing alone!"

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