Saturday, January 08, 2005

What Have You Done To My Little Cable Boy?

Seinfeld Volume 1

The box set of the first two seasons of Seinfeld on DVD. At this stage, the show was still developing, and isn't as funny as it became later on. It's still worth watching though, as there are a couple of classic episodes here, such as The Chinese Restaurant and The Jacket.

The interesting thing is that it's hard to pull individual quotes out from these shows to demonstrate how funny it is. The humour doesn't really come out unless you've seen the episode in it's entirety. The funniest bits are usually at the end, when separate plot threads collide in unexpected ways, or a trivial plot element from the beginning returns with unexpected significance.

A lot of effort has gone into the extras here, with loads of commentaries and interviews by the writers, producers and cast, and the obligatory bloopers and deleted scenes. The best one though is an hour long behind the scenes feature, which tells the story of how the show come to be, and the process of making the first two seasons (fraught of course with interference from the brain dead studio execs, "Jerry and Elaine should become a couple!"). These sort of things are usually damn boring, but I found this one to be pretty interesting.

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